Friday, August 15, 2014

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter....and Spring

Let's get right into it. One of my favorite things to do is watch movies, I would consider myself an avid movie watcher. I especially love films that inspire me to be better and/or think outside the box, which can be hard to come by but they are there. Different films touch people in a multitude of ways so my suggestions are subjective, in saying this, I will try to feature that have touched me personally in some way.

I will start with a beautiful slightly obscure (for more mainstream movie fans at least) film.

It is called Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter....and Spring (2003) is a South Korean film about a Buddhist monastery that floats on a lake in a pristine forest. The story is about the life of a Buddhist monk as he passes through the seasons of his life, from childhood to old age. Such a touching, profound movie, I doubt any summary could do it any proper justice. Seeing the selfless qualities in the life of the monk is inspiring and yet sometimes sad and difficult to watch.